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Majgaard, G., & Weitze, C. L. (2020). Virtual Experiential Learning, Learning Design and Interaction in Extended Reality Simulations. I 14th European Conference on Games Based Learning, ECGBL 2020 (s. 372-379). Academic Conferences and Publishing International.Majgaard 2020 ECGBL – Virtual Experiential Learning, Learning Design and Interaction in Extended Reality Simulations

Majgaard, G., & Lamscheck-Nielsen, R. (2019). Digital Literacy and Course Design. In Proceedings of the 18th European Conference on e-Learning ECEL 2019 Academic Conferences and Publishing International. 10.34190/EEL.19.115 ECEL-Majgaard 2019

Majgaard, G. (2018). Digital dannelse på højskolen. Læring & Medier (LOM) – nr. 19 – 2018. ISSN: 1903-248X Majgaard 2018 LOM  LOM

Majgaard, G. and Stock, C. (2018). Students’ Development of Virtual Reality Prototypes for Training in Alcohol-Resistance Skills. pp. 393-401. 12th European Conference on Game-Based Learning ECGBL 2018. SKEMA Business School Sophia Antipolis, France. 4 – 5 October 2018 ECGBL_18_Majgaard_VR_alcohol

Majgaard, G., Bertel, L. (2018). Making video tutorials in the classroom – tacit knowledge on display. pp. 73-77. 20th International Conference, HCI International 2018, Las Vegas, USA. hcii 2018 010918

Majgaard, G., Larsen, L. J., Lyk, P., & Lyk, M. (2017). Seeing the unseen: Spatial visualization of the Solar System with physical prototypes and Augmented Reality. International Journal of Designs for Learning, 8(2), 95-109. Majgaard 2017 ijdl

Majgaard G. and Larsen L. J. (2017). Pokémon GO: A Pervasive Game and Learning Community.   Proceedings of The 11th European Conference on Game-Based Learning ECGBL 2017, Graz, Austria, 402-409. ECGBL17-Pokemon

Majgaard G. (2017). Teaching Mixed Reality Using Video Tutorials.   Proceedings of The 11th European Conference on Game-Based Learning ECGBL 2017, Graz, Austria, 410-419. ECGBL17-Mixed Reality

Majgaard, Gunver (2016). Informal Communities for Hunter-Gatherers of Pokémons. Interactions Between Nearby Strangers: Serendipity and Playfulness – Workshop at NordiCHI´16. Gothenburg, Sweden. link

Majgaard, G., Larsen, L. J., Lyk, P., & Lyk, M. (2016). At se det usete – Rumlig visualisering af solsystemet med fysiske prototyper og Augmented Reality. Mona, 2016(3), 23-40. link

Majgaard, G., & Helms, N. H. (2015). Tema 2: Robotter i felten. Læring og Medier (LOM), 8(14). link

Helms, N. H., & Majgaard, G. (2015). Tema 1: Robotter i skolen. Læring og Medier (LOM), 8(14) link

Majgaard, G., & Lyk, P. (2015). På rejse med Virtual Reality i billedkunst: Erfaringslæring gennem kombineret fysisk og virtuel modelbygning. Læring og Medier (LOM), 8(14). link

Nielsen, J., Pedersen, R. & Majgaard, G. (2015). 8. klasse som kreative producenter af fremtidens velfærdsteknologi. Læring og Medier (LOM). 8, (14) link

Majgaard, G. (2015). Humanoid Robots in the Classroom. In IADIS International Journal on WWW/Internet Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 72-86 ISSN: 1645-7641

Majgaard, G. (2015). Plants vs Zombies as an Empowering Learning Machine. In The 8th International Conference on Game and Entertainment Technologies 2015, IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems. (s. 271-274). International Association for Development, IADIS. Majgaard_GET_2015

Majgaard, G. (2015). Multimodal Robots As Educational Tools In Primary And Lower Secondary Education. I The 9th International Conference on Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction 22 – 24 July 2015, IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems. (s. 27-34). International Association for Development, IADIS. Majgaard_IHCI_2015

Larsen, L. J. & Majgaard, G. 2014. A model for understanding the game design process: design paradigm, design space, problem-based creativity. proceeding at the Designs for Learning Conference. link

Majgaard, G., Hansen, J. J., Bertel, L. B. & Anders, P. dec. 2014. Fra digitalt design til fysisk udtryk – anvendelse at 3-d-printere og NAO-robotter i folkeskolen. Mona. 2014, 4, s. 7-26 link Mona2014_4_fraDigitaltDesign

Majgaard, G. & Bertel, L. B. 2014. Initial Phases of Design-based Research into the Educational Potentials of NAO-Robots. ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction. s. 238-239 link

Majgaard, G. 2014. Teaching Design of Emerging Embodied Technologies. Human-Computer Interfaces and Interactivity: Emergent Research and Applications. IGI global, Kap. 11, s. 188-206 Teaching Design of Emerging Embodied Technologies 2014

Majgaard, G. 2014. The playful and reflective game designer. Electronic Journal of E-Learning. 12, 3, s. 271-280 link

Majgaard, G. 2013. Creating Games in the Classroom: from native gamers to reflective designers. Proceeding of The 7th European Conference on Games Based Learning (ECGBL 2013). Porto, Portugal. UK: Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited, s. 253-258

Karoff, H. S., Majgaard, G., Elbæk, L. & Sørensen, M. H. (2013). Picking the right interface for engaging physical activity into game based learning.Proceeding of The 7th European Conference on Games Based Learning (ECGBL 2013). Porto, Portugal. Academic Conferences and Publishing Internatinal Limited, UK,  pp. 261-267 Picking the right interface for engaging physical activity into game based learning 2013

Majgaard G. (2013). Embodied Interaction Design in Engineering Education using Asus Xtion Pro. Proceedings of the IADIS International Conferences Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction 2013. pp 245-248 IADIS Press. ISBN: 978-972-8939-90-8 IADIS HCI 2013 Embodied Interaction Design in Engineering Education Using Asus Xtion Pro 050313

Nielsen J. and Majgaard G. (2013). Merging Design and Implementation in a First Semester HCI-Course for Engineering Students. Proceedings of the IADIS International Conferences Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction 2013. pp 249-252 IADIS Press. ISBN: 978-972-8939-90-8

Majgaard, G. (2013). Using Wiki Technology in the Classroom. The possibilities of ethical ICT: ETHICOMP 2013 Conference Proceedings. Print & Sign, Syddansk Universitet, s. 324-330 USING WIKI TECHNOLOGY IN THE CLASSROOM

Majgaard, Gunver, Misfelt, Morten och Rönne, Asger (2013). Surfplattematteerfarenheter
och möjligheter. Nämnaren, tidskrift för matematikundervisning 2013:3, 36-38. link

Majgaard, G., Rønne, A. & Misfeldt, M. (2013). Matematikundervisning med iPad – erfaringer og muligheder. Matematik. 41. Årgang, Nr. 3, s. 4-6 Matematikundervisning med iPad – erfaringer og muligheder 2013

Majgaard, G. (2012). Brug af interaktive klodser i ingeniørundervisningen . MONA: Matematik og Naturfagsdidaktik , (2112-4), 24-40. abstract MONA Brug af interaktive klodser i undervisningen 2012

Majgaard, G. (2012). Design af computerspil i undervisningen: Fra indfødt spiller til reflekteret designer. Tidsskriftet Læring og Medier (LOM) Årg. 5, Nr. 9 (2012). ISSN-nummer: 1903-248X artikel LOM

Majgaard, G., Petersen, A. K., og Kallesøe, H., (2012). Velfærdsteknologi i et samfundsmæssigt perspektiv. I Teknologi mennesker faglighed. Muligheder og udfordringer i løsning af velfærdsopgaver 1. udgave 2012. Via Systime. link

Majgaard, G. (2012). Tre modeller om design af robotlæremidler. I Teknologi mennesker faglighed. Muligheder og udfordringer i løsning af velfærdsopgaver 1. udgave 2012. Via

Majgaard, G. (2012). Abstract: Learning Processes and Robotic Systems, – design of educational tools and learning processes using robotic media and using children as co‐designers. Designs for Learning Stockholm University, Department of didactic sciences and early childhood education, Didaktik Design, Sweden (ISSN 1654-7608). link

Pedersen, J. B., Andersen, S. , Majgaard, G. (2012). Design of Trigonometry Apps for Vocational Education. IASTED International Conference. HCI. DESIGN OF TRIGONOMETRY APPS FOR VOCATIONAL EDUCATION 2

Majgaard, G., Nielsen, J. , Misfeldt, M. (2012). The Learning Potentials of Number Blocks. Towards Learning and Instruction in Web 3.0. Advances in Cognitive and Educational Psychology (s. 289-302). link The Learning Potential of Number Blocks 2012

Jørgensen, O., Majgaard, G.,Kalsøe, H. (2011). Robotkæledyr, socialpædagogisk arbejde og voksne udviklingshæmmede. Pio-nær, (5), 6. link

Majgaard, G., Misfeldt, M.,Nielsen, J. (2011). How Design-based Research, Action Research and Interaction Design Contributes to the Development of Designs for Learning. Designs for Learning. 38-50-1-pb (dfl april 2012)

Majgaard, G. (2011). Læreprocesser og robotsystemer: Design af læremidler og læreprocesser med robotter som medier og børn som med-designere. Phd-afhandling.
1 Læreprocesser og robotsystemer – resume og indledning
2 Læreprocesser og robotsystemer – Læring refleksion og medskaben
3 og 4 Læreprocesser og robotsystemer – Situerede kropslige robotter og eksempler robotlæremidler
5 Læreprocesser og robotsystemer – Forsknings og designmetode
6 Læreprocesser og robotsystemer – Eksperimentelle cases Fraction Battle
7 Læreprocesser og robotsystemer – Eksperimentelle cases Number Blocks
8, 9 og 10 Læreprocesser og robotsystemer – Sammenfatning konklusion perspektiver og litteraturliste

Afhandling i et dokument:
Læreprocesser og robotsystemer 010811-final

Majgaard, G. (2010). Robotteknologi og leg som arena for tværfagligt samarbejde. MONA: Matematik og  Naturfagsdidaktik, 42-58. MONA-2010-2-RobotteknologiOgLegSomArenaForTvaerfagligtSamarbejde

Larsen, L. J., & Majgaard, G. (2010). Pervasive Technology in the Classroom. Global Learn Asia Pacific 2010: Global Conference on Learning and Technology Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education.

Majgaard, G. (2010). Design based action research in the world of robot technology and learning. The Third IEEE International Conference on Digital Game and Intelligent Toy Enhanced Learning: DIGITAL 2010 (s. 85-92). IEEE Press. Design-based action research in the world of robot technology and learning_DIGITAL

Majgaard, G., Nielsen, J., & Misfeldt, M. (2010). Robot Technology and Numbers in the Classroom. Cognition and Exploratory Learning CELDA 2010 (s. 231-234). International Association for Development, IADIS. ROBOT TECHNOLOGY AND NUMBERS IN THE_CELDA280910

Majgaard, G. (2009). Legepladsen i klasseværelset : robotten som omdrejningspunkt for læreprocessen. On Edge 09, 1(2), 11-13. OnEdge Oktober 09_0  

Majgaard, G. (2009). Eksempler på robotter i en læringssammenhæng. On Edge, 3, 11. RobotOnEdge_s  

Majgaard, G. , & Jessen, C. (2009). Playtesting The Digital Playground. Blashki, K. (red.), Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference in Game and Entertainment Technologies 2009 (s. 87-92).  International Association for Development, IADIS. IADIS_PLAYTESTING THE DIGITAL PLAYGROUND_060509

Majgaard, G. (2009). The Playground in the Classroom – Fractions and Robot Technology. Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age (s. 10-17). International Association for Development, IADIS. THE PLAYGROUND IN THE CLASSROOM

Majgaard, G. , & Thisted, A. (2009). Motivation og refleksion i e-learning: En begrebslig ramme. Konnerup, U., & Riis, M. (red.), IKT og læring: reflekteret praksis (s. 81-100). AUC: Aalborg Universitetsforlag.  Motivation og refleksion i e-læring 

Majgaard, G. (2009). An Outline of Interaction Types in Physical Serious Games. Poster session at IADIS International Conference Game and Entertainment Technologies 2009, Carvoeiro, Portugal.

Majgaard, G. (2009). Robotteknologi i en undervisningssammenhæng: Kropslig forbundet intelligens, interaktion og læringsniveauer (s. 6-28). Odense: Knowledge Lab.